Oracy is the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language.
Over the past seven years, St Helen's has worked alongside Voice 21. We believe that Oracy develops students' confidence, articulacy and capacity to learn and as such, oracy runs through all subjects across the curriculum at St Helen's.
We place as much importance on the day to day explorative conversational talk as we do on presentational talk and as such, children gain many different experiences during their time with us.
This term (Spring 2024), we are working on embedding our use of Talk Tactics. Talk Tactics encourage students to think strategically about their contributions to group talk. The document to the right outlines which Tactic is learnt in each year group. It also outlines sentence stems that we will teach children to support their understanding in this area.
Here is an example of the Discussion Guidelines that we use within the classrooms. These guidelines ensure that children feel safe and confident to speak within the classroom.
Here are some ideas to get talking at home!
As part of a local history topic: Portman Road (how Ipswich and its football club have changed over time), the children learnt about commentary. We learnt that over time we have seen a change in women's football and the introduction of female commentators like Jacqui Oatley.
Listen to how the children have used pace and tone in order to create interest and excitement in their commentary.

Key Stage 1 children performing at The New Wolsey Theatre. They recreated a medieval banquet as part of the Castles & Monarchs theme.
Poetry performance for Remembrance Day.
Key Stage 2 performing at Cult Cafe on Ipswich Waterfront.
Here is an example of Year 4 retelling a story. They only had some sketches to help them remember the tale.