To support our working parents and those who need it, the school is proud to offer wrap around care for its pupils at very reasonable rates.
Before School Club
Before School Club opens at 8.00am and is run by Ms Debbie Broughton and Ms Karen Stafford.
Entry is normally via the main school entrance.
As our car park is very tight we ask that parents do not drive into the school car park.
The cost is £2.00 per session.
Swifts After School Club
Evening wraparound runs from the end of your child's school day until 6pm and is run by Miss Harriet Parkin and her team. Parents can choose between three sessions:
A: End of school day till 4.30pm (£4.00 per child per night)
B: End of school day till 5.30pm (£6.00 per child per night)
C: End of school day till 6.00pm (£7.50 per child per night)
All children will be provided with a healthy snack at the start of the session. This could include rolls, wraps, rice cakes, fruit or vegetable sticks etc.
Swifts takes place in the school canteen to allow the children access to the outdoor area.
Adjustments can be made to bookings to allow all pupils to attend after school activity clubs.
To book: booking is made in advance via the school office. Payment is made through Parent Pay or via Child Care Vouchers. Please contact the office to find out more.
Typical activities are: reading, homework support, time on laptops (with adult supervision), films, outdoor activities, arts and crafts, lego and board games. As the provision is run by our own staff the same standards, policies and procedures regarding safeguarding, health and safety and behaviour apply.