

School uniform can be purchased through PMG Schoolwear or via the school office - items at the school office are cheaper but may have to be ordered in from our supplier. Items with * below are items that are specific to our school (i.e. with the school logo) however to keep costs low pupils are permitted to wear non branded items of the same colour.

Pre-loved school uniforms are often available throughout the school year and are laid out for parents to help themselves to at parent consultations.

Reception - Year 6

White/Light blue polo shirt

Navy Blue cardigan or jumper*

Black/Dark Grey skirt, dress, shorts or trousers

(in the summer blue checked summer dresses are allowed)

Plain socks or tights

Black shoes

PE Kit

House Team T-shirt (available from the office £2)

Navy/Black shorts or jogging bottoms (No logos)

Navy/Black fleece (No logos) no hood ~(health and safety)*

Dark coloured trainers.

Pupils will wear these on the day of PE.


We would like to encourage our Nursery pupils to wear school uniform so that they feel part of our school. This would involve wearing a light blue (or white) polo shirt and either a navy jumper or cardigan (this does not have to have the schools logo on but it looks better). In nursery only we allow the children to wear jogging bottoms rather than trousers as these are easier to move about in. We also suggest that nursery pupils wear sensible school shoes or trainers for outdoor play.