Starting Nursery 2024

Welcome to Nursery at St Helen's

A warm welcome to parents and carers of children who will be starting with us this September. We will use this page to share useful information regarding your child's transition into St Helen's, including introducing you and your child to our classrooms and staff.  

There are two online forms listed below that we would like you to complete in order for us to communicate with you in the coming weeks and beyond via a website called Tapestry. This information will also enable us to get in touch with your child's current nursery or pre-school and arrange to visit them as part of the transition process. 

Tapestry is an online learning journal that we will use to introduce you and your child to life at St Helen’s before the summer holiday. We will continue to use Tapestry throughout the year to keep you updated with the learning that your child does with us at school. You will be able to access Tapestry with a username and password that will be shared with you once you have submitted your email address to us using this Google form and by completing GDPR permission form here

Tapestry can be accessed on a computer, tablet or mobile phone at or via the free Tapestry app which you can download from your App Store. You will then be able to get regular updates, so we can keep in touch before September when your children will join us. If your child already attends St Helen’s nursery there is no need to complete either of the forms

Please make a note of the following dates for your diary: 

Wednesday 19th June at 4.30pm you are invited to a parent information session. This will introduce you to the adults, routines and expectations within Nursery ready for September and give you the opportunity to ask any questions. We ask that children are left at home if possible please. 

Wednesday 26th June at 1.30- 2.30 pm we would like to invite your child and one adult to attend a teddy bears picnic in the Nursery garden. Your child can bring their favourite teddy and you are welcome to bring a blanket and some snacks, though please note we are nut free school.