Ocean Phase

Welcome to Ocean Phase!

Ocean Phase Learning Gallery
Ocean Phase Photo Album

Here we begin the first year (Year 3) and second year (Year 4) of Lower Key Stage Two.

Staff at St. Helen’s Primary

Understand that we need a

Curriculum that…….

Caters for our individual needs and backgrounds, offering equity.

Embraces the cultures and diversity within our community.

Ensures we have the vocabulary and tools to succeed in life.

Deepens our understanding of the world we live in and its complex issues.

We call this out SUCCEED curriculum and through our teaching and experiences we hope to allow the children to be curious, creative, articulate, empathetic, resilient, reflective.

School day

Every morning we teach an English and maths. In the afternoons, we teach science, history, geography, art, DT, RE as well French and music, which are taught specialist teachers. We believe it is important to offer a board and balanced curriculum, whereby everyone’s strengths can be recognised. We focus our learning on many topics throughout the year. We offer exciting trips and arrange for interesting visitors to come in. This is so the children gain first hand experience of real life scenarios.

Topics for this academic year: 

 Year 3: History: Stone age to Anglo Saxon Settlements. Geography: Sustainability in our World. Geography: Mountains and Volcanoes. 

Year 4: History: Romans in Britain. Local History: Portman Road. Geography: Farming and Land use.

Year 4 meet the parents 2022-2023
Year 3 meet the parents 2023-2024
Entrance Y3/4.mp4

This is the way we come into school!

Keep scrolling down! Next your find out SUCCEED CURRICULUM CONTENT for this year and next. We work on a rolling cycle, which means children will learn certain CURRICULUM CONTENT over two years.

Please read our  postive behaviour policy, in the ocean phase. 

00 Ocean Behaviour Policy 2021/2022
year 4 reading scrap.pdf

What do the reading scrap books look like?

Here are some recent examples

We base our English lessons on particular books, these are just some of them: 

Year 3 will be using the following books and more.

In the Ocean Phase we love maths. To understand how maths learning progresses in year 3 & 4, visit the White Rose website to see details of questions and concepts.  https://whiterosemaths.com/for-parents/ 

But it is not just English and maths. These images represent a variety of subjects and topics we discover in the Ocean Phase. 

At the very top of this page, you'll find photo galleries and examples of learning.